We defined our research programme jointly by science and industry with a focus on human motion data analysis concentrating on assessing the quality of motion. The aim of the project is to measure and interpret motion and emotion through multi-sensor fusion – considering biomechanical, contextual and psychophysiological parameters. In particular, DiMo focuses on technological development for applications under real conditions.
The COMET Project Digital Motion in Sports, Fitness and Well-being was funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic, Affairs and the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology within the framework of COMET – Competence Centres for Excellent Technologies. The programme is run by the FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency).

Motion Data Intelligence
We contribute to the understanding and assessment of the quality of human motion by covering aims oriented towards the industry-driven use cases, i.e. walking, running and alpine skiing . Our claim is to provide near real-time concepts and algorithms for the entire process from motion quantity to motion quality by considering multimodal sensing techniques related to biomechanics, context, and psychophysiological state, and by addressing the challenges of data generation and interpretation in the ecologically valid environment (in the field).

Motion Data Interaction
DiMo contributes to the understanding how a user may interact with qualified motion data (motion quality information) based on motion and emotion in real-time without interfering with the primary task. We argue that interaction design for a user in motion needs to respect not only the user, but the exercise as a primary task and the full context of the exertion.

Motion Data Demonstrators
Smart Equipment Customization:
We envision to support users in product selection and individualization based on multi-sensor data feedback, enabling consumers to select and even to individually produce and/or customize their personal sports equipment right in the store.
Digital experience during sports:
Based on user values, models and sensor concepts, we envision to assess the quality of movement, providing consumers with useful and motivating real-time feedback and offline feedback of their physical activities and communicate it through novel seamless interaction concepts.
The main approach of DiMo is characterized by an iterative research and development process to provide evaluated near real-time concepts, including frameworks, networks, and software-based implementations of algorithms, for the entire process from motion quantity to motion quality. We follow a user-centred research-through-design approach. This includes research prototypes and user experiments within the design and the research process.

© Salzburg Research, Fotolia, artinspiring, macrovector, Vectorovich, Matthias Enter, zelimirzarkovic
DiMo @IEEE Sensors 2023, Nov. 29 – Oct. 1., 2023
Happy to announce that Christoph Thorwartl presented his latest research results on torsional deflection of alpine skis in close cooperation with our company partner Atomic. He presented a proof of …
DiMo @International Data Week, 23. – 26. October, 2023
Data experts of the Digital Motion project co-ordinated a session titled “Human Motion Analytics – Developing Data-Intensive Applications for Digital Motion” for the SciDataCon 2023. We shared our experiences in …
DiMo @Millenium Innovation Days, 5. October 2023
With a focus on smart textiles development and explaining the Digital Motion customer journey, a core team of our DiMo scientific and company partners (adidas, Infineon, Karl Mayer, Salzburg Research) …
DiMo @Global Fibre Faser Congress, 11. – 13.09.2023
With a focus on smart textiles development, Severin Bernhart and Elisabeth Häusler presented the latest insights of the Digital Motion project integrating sensors into apparels. The presentation entitled “IoT New …
Successful ICSS 2023 congress for Digital Motion, 18. – 22. March 2023
Digital Motion was represented at the 9th International Congress on Science and Skiing representing latest work from the Atomic Connected Boot project (Development of a simple algorithm to detect different …
New publication: Wearable chest sensor for stride and respiration detection during runningNew publication:
Endurance running is among the most popular physical activities partially due to its low barriers to entry. However, some people avoid running because of respiratory distress, and respiratory monitoring could …
10th DiMo Consortium Meeting
Finally, the last Digital Motion Consortium Meeting took place at University of Salzburg in Rif/Salzburg. DiMo PhDs and key persons did an impressive demonstrators roadshow! Scientific and commercial dissemination will …
New publication: Step-adaptive sound guidance
Step-adaptive sound guidance enhances locomotor-respiratory coupling in novice female runners: A proof-of-concept study – Many runners struggle to find a rhythm during running. This may be because 20–40% of runners …
Connected Boot Ski Testtag
Rund 30 wintersportbegeisterte UBIT Mitglieder aus den Branchen der Buchhaltungsberufe, Informationstechnologie sowie Unternehmensberatung folgten am Freitag, den 10. März 2023 der Einladung der Fachgruppe UBIT Salzburg zum diesjährigen UBIT Skitag …
Nominated for HOUSKA PREIS 2023! Happy to announce that we are nominated for the Houska Preis 2023 in the category of “Applied Research” with the Atomic Connected Boot development: https://bcgruppe.at/project/der-vernetzte-skischuh-zur-bewertung-der-qualitaet-des-skifahrens/
New publication: load management in Alpine Skiing
We are pleased to present a new publication of the Digital Motion project in the journal Frontiers in Sports and Active Living that deals with the topic of Load Management …
Connected Boot Study
The Connected Boot provides sensor-based feedback on the quality of movement during each turn and enables mobile analysis for optimised alpine skiing. In Digital Motion we are currently performing a …
9th Consortium Meeting in Salzburg
It was the first time since two years that the whole consortium met physically in Salzburg. Many thanks to all partners for the great discussions and setting the future steps!
ÖSG Tagung
From 29th September – 1st October 2022 the ÖSG Tagung takes place at the University of Salzburg in Rif. Thomas Stöggl will present in his keynote “A Practice2Science and Science2Practice …
DiMo @ECSS 2022, 30.08. – 02.09.2022
This year, we are proud that the project Digital Motion was represented in many talks and presentation on the ECSS 2022 taking place in Sevilla.. Thanks to the great work …
DiMo @SpinForTec 2022, 27.09. – 01.10.2022
We are pleased that the topic “Digital Motion” is represented at the leading sports informatics symposium in the DACH region. The aim of the symposium is to promote scientific exchange …
DiMo @IMAGINE 2022, 23.06.2022
Digital Motion will be represented at the IMAGINE conference which is the flagship event for digital technologies of the Austrian Ministry of Technology (BMK) and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency. …
8th DiMo Consortium Meeting, 04.05.2022
Due to COVID-19 the consortium met again in a virtual setting. Nevertheless it was an inspiring day with lots of discussion within the different working streams. Results of the last …
Breath Tools – Review article
Another great PhD work in Digital Motion about the potential of „linking motion and emotion“ through breathing strategies! Congratulations to Eric Harbour, MS, ATC, CSCS!
DiMo @ISSS 2022
Latest project results of Digital Motion were presented at the joint conference of the 24th International Conference on Snow Sports Trauma & Safety as well as 37th Congress of the …
Publication in Open Access Journal Sensors
We are pleased to present a new publication of the Digital Motion project in the journal Sensors that deals with the topic of measuring the bending of sports equipment: Curvature …
7th DiMo consortium meeting, 01 December 2021
The DiMo consortium meeting held their seventh consortium meeting in online form. Over 40 participants joined online for a productive and fruitful meeting. The consortium aligned roadmaps on industry demonstrators and …
Digital Motion: application for COMET K1
In December 2021, an extended DiMo consortium including 22 international partners from science and industry from the fields of sports, fitness, well-being and guided movement has submitted a potential follow-up …
Women in Data Science Conference 2021
Verena Venek was invited to speak at the 2nd WiDS Conference in Villach.The conference is a platform for women in data science. The topic of the technical vision talk covered human motion …
Inspiring exchange at the Digital Motion Day 2021
Sport should be fun – only then can it become an integral part of lifestyle. In the COMET competence centre “Digital Motion” led by Salzburg Research, industrial companies work together …
Digital Motion Day
The COMET project Digital Motion is organising the Digital Motion Day on 29 September as part of the Millennium Innovation Days #2021 (27.09. – 01.10.2021): Digital Motion Day29 September 2021Millennium …
6th DiMo consortium meeting, 11 May 2021
The DiMo consortium meeting held their sixth consortium meeting in online form. Over 30 participants joined online for a productive and fruitful meeting. The consortium aligned roadmaps on industry demonstrators and …
Half-time recap
After the successful midterm review, it is time to reflect and celebrate 2 years of DiMo with a project video.
Your turn to ski [registration closed]
In the winter season 2020/2021, we recruited advanced skiers for the load management study.
Your turn to run [registration closed]
In summer 2020, we recruited female novice runners for the Run4Vit study.
From data to value
In the innovation meeting of 2020 it was all about the transfer from the scientific contributions to the DiMo demonstrators as well as the coordination of the data creating DiMo …
From the lab to the field
Studies on (ski) treadmills generate insights and best practices to transfer concepts and sensor configurations onto the piste and the running track.
DiMo researcher as the FEMtech expert
BMVIT awarded Verena Venek as the FEMtech expert of August 2019.
HAWX ULTRA CONNECTED: Smart Ski Boot for an Improved Ski Experience
Atomic has been building ski equipment with know-how and a passion for skiing for over 60 years in Altenmark, Salzburg. Numerous professional athletes at the World Cup top rely on …
HMA – Human Motion Analytics
The HMA group of Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft has its focus on technologies for the detection of human movement. It performs data analysis and development of algorithms for evaluating the quality of movement, as well as prototype development for effect measurement of interventions and safe and sustainable data management.
SPOWI – Department of Sport and Exercise Science
The SPOWI department at the University of Salzburg emphasizes on intervention programs with regards to physical and cognitive performance and physical fitness, sport psychology and biomedical aspects of the human environmental interaction. Its specific expertise lies in the great variety of applied methods both in the lab and field combined with leading edge basic research.
HCI – Center for Human-Computer-Interaction
The interdisciplinary research group at the University of Salzburg study the interplay between humans and computers in order to enable desired interactions and explore desirable futures. It aims to enhance life experience through user centred design.
LMAM – Laboratory of Movement Analysis and Measurement
The LMAM group of École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne designs measuring and analysis systems using wearable technology for biomechanics of movement. It monitors patients activity behavior outside the laboratory to gather objective information on mobility impairments and designs rehabilitation approaches using new technologies and based on adapted physical activity, exercises and interventions that involve cognitive and sensorimotor capacities.
Connected Boot: sensor technology and mobile analysis for optimized skiing
With the Connected Boot, developed by Salzburg Research together with Atomic and the University of Salzburg, skiers receive tailor-made real-time feedback on their own riding technique directly on their mobile …
Sensor-driven examination of alpine ski deflection
The interaction between the ski and snow plays a pivotal role in determining skiing technique and performance. The deflection characteristics of the ski serve as a gateway to understanding the …
Runrhythm – coupling breath to steps to enhance the running experience
This application supports runners to get into a running rhythm. It guides runners to couple their breath to their steps using pleasant soundscapes that enhance the running experience. Novel runners …